Use Positive Affirmations to Support Your Art Practice

In my last few blog posts, I’ve been talking about mindset (why it’s critical for artists to build their mental muscle and build your mental muscle with these tree thoughts).

Following with this concept but taking a slight shift, I’d like you to consider what you say to yourself all day, every day. Spend the next 24 hours becoming more aware of how you speak to yourself. This internal conversation is not outside of your control—you can purposely tell yourself what you want yourself to think.

What if we started speaking to ourselves the way we spoke to a loved one?

How would this impact our day-to-day lives, our self confidence, and how we approach our artmaking?

All too often, we're immensely critical of ourselves, giving our own work harsh criticism and concentrating on the negative. Yet at the same time, we approach our friends and family with grace and kindness, offering support and affirmations in countless aspects of their lives. 

How often do you say to yourself "I'm doing a bad job" or "I should give up" when it comes to a painting or project? You would never say the same thing to your best friend. It's time that we start speaking to ourselves the same way, with love and kindness. 

I'm diving into the power of positive affirmation, and how reframing your inner dialogue can do wonders for your painting practice and day to day life!

1. Write your affirmations down! 

I'm the first to admit that it isn't easy to reshape your inner dialogue. Many of us who are perfectionists about our work are far more likely to latch onto what's wrong versus what's right. In order to disrupt this thought pattern, write down a few positive things about yourself, your painting practice, and your work, and leave them in a central, visible spot in your work space. 

A few examples: 

"I am bold and fearless in my work." 

"My style is constantly evolving and I am constantly improving." 

"I love how free my brushwork is." 

"I am proud of my artistic practice." 

2. Say your affirmations out loud! 

We can alter our thought patterns by reaffirming statements out loud. This is applicable in many aspects of life, from our feelings about our physical appearance to job confidence and everything in between. Give yourself compliments by saying them out loud—and do this at least once per day! These can be some of the same things as you've written down, or they can be completely different. Regardless, say it loud and proud! 

"I am a talented artist." 

"People love my paintings, and I love making them." 

"I am a dedicated and intelligent painter." 

3. ALWAYS take note of a few things you like about each of your paintings. 

It does not matter if it's your greatest masterpiece or one of your least favorite paintings you've ever done: note the things that you are proud of in every single piece of work you do. Do you like the colors you use? Are you particularly fond of one area? Did you try something new and discover something? Did you step outside of your comfort zone? Focus on these things and keep your attention on them. 

You can acknowledge the parts of a piece you're not happy with, but don't dwell on those; walk away from your work with a sense of positivity and affirmations of the things you like about your work! 

4. Make this a habit

Fear and negativity inhibit creativity, whereas positivity and confidence let it soar. The more we can disrupt overly-critical thought patterns and incorporate positive affirmations into our daily lives, the more our painting practices will continue to flourish! Focus on the good today—it will do wonders!


What About You?

I’d love to know what affirmations help you feel good about your creativity. Please share them in the comments—or use that as a way to publicly affirm yourself. I’ll cheer along with you!

Caryl Pomales of Caryl Fine Art

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Artists: Build Your Mental Muscle with These Three Thoughts