SMART Goal Setting Tips for Artists

It’s a Great Time for Goal Setting

Why set goals? You will accomplish far more if you set goals for yourself regularly and purposefully. It’s like mapping out a road trip: you don’t leave home and drive randomly, do you? No, you determine where you want to go and then plan out the steps and the timeline.

Whether it’s the first day of the year or the 301st, it’s the right time for setting goals. 

Succeed by Setting SMART Art Goals

I’m passionate about setting goals for my artistic practice and my art business. In fact, there is no way I’d be where I am today if I hadn’t plotted a path for myself using a practical, in-depth goal setting practice.

There are methods of setting goals that are much more effective than simply making a list! It’s important to make the right kind of goals (“SMART” goals) and to map out the steps you’ll take to accomplish the goal. Spending time thoughtfully mapping out your goals can make all the difference in your art career this year!

What Are Your SMART Art Goals?

I’d love it if you share with me the SMART goals you set for yourself this year. I’ll cheer you on!


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