Perfection Isn’t the Goal—Creating and Sharing Are

Perfectionism is one of the most common obstacles we face as artists. It whispers that our work isn’t good enough, that it’s not ready to be seen, or that we’ll be judged for the imperfections in what we’ve made. But holding onto perfection too tightly doesn’t just slow us down—it stops us altogether.

Think about life outside the studio. Have you ever delayed starting something important, waiting for the “perfect time”? Or held back on sharing an idea because it wasn’t fully formed? These are all echoes of perfectionism at play. And the result is often the same: opportunities missed, connections delayed, and growth postponed.

In art, the need for perfection can be paralyzing. Instead of finishing a piece and moving forward, we overwork, second-guess, and sometimes even abandon our efforts. Yet, ironically, some of the most celebrated art is imperfect. It’s raw, emotional, and speaks to the human experience—an experience that is, by nature, imperfect.

Here’s how to overcome the trap of perfection:

1. Set Limits: Give yourself a time or layer limit for a project. When the time is up, call it done and move forward.

2. Focus on Process, Not Outcome: Remind yourself that each piece is part of your creative journey, not the final destination.

3. Embrace Feedback: Sharing your work—whether finished or not—opens the door for valuable insights and connections.

By letting go of perfection, we make space for authenticity. The imperfect brushstroke or unexpected layer tells a story, and that story resonates with others.

So, take the leap. Finish that piece. Share it with the world. Just as in life, art isn’t about being perfect—it’s about being real.

What’s holding you back today? I’d love to know.


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