How to Sell Art on Instagram

Instagram can be such a powerful tool for artists! It can help you gain a following of fans and art collectors. But it also can serve as a powerful platform for selling your work.

My Relationship with Instagram

As a visual artist, I realized that Instagram was the place to be—a social media platform where I could create more engagement and grow my social media audience by sharing my artwork in its finished state or in process. I feel that Instagram allows me to do that at a faster pace than Facebook or other social media platforms.

One of the most important things I’ve learned during my journey with Instagram is to keep my postings authentic, even if I’m not posting everyday. I’ve learned it’s the quality of postings rather than the quantity that supports the amount of growth I desire.

I’ve learned how important it is to stay abreast of platform changes and updates. Artists must be flexible and dedicated—you need to invest time learning how to make use of Instagram updates such as new Stories features like the link sticker, Reels, and Collabs.  It’s important to create a strong Instagram marketing strategy that's tailored to you, your business goals, and your followers.

Although it can be challenging to learn new tech, Instagram has played an important role in growing my email list to over 5,000 engaged subscribers. You can do the same!

You can use Instagram to sell your artwork directly to someone who’s scrolling. Don’t miss this opportunity!

No Website Just Yet? No Problem!

While I think that it’s critical for artist entrepreneurs to have a professional-quality website, I realize that for a variety of reasons, you may not be ready to take that step. Maybe you’re saving money to pay a professional to create your website. Maybe you’re still determining what you want it to say or to look like, or you’re researching which platform should host your website. You can still sell art on Instagram at this stage!

Be Ready to Sell

Before you let people know that your art is for sale on Instagram, ask yourself: Am I ready to make a sale? Have you registered your business? Have you figured out how to charge and submit sales tax? Do you have the supplies on hand to professionally wrap and ship your work? Have you priced your work and figured out what you’ll charge for shipping?

Let Them Know Your Art is for Sale

People are used to seeing beautiful art in their Instagram feed. Many artists display finished work and work in progress for people to salivate over. It’s very important that you tell your followers that the painting in your post is for sale. What’s the price? What are the dimensions? Is shipping included? If not, how much will you charge? What method(s) will you use to accept payment?

You can ask interested buyers to DM (direct message) you to purchase the painting. Be sure to respond promptly and professionally. Make the purchase easy for them. And then create a new Instagram post with the sold painting, providing powerful social proof to your followers that people are paying good money for your excellent artwork. Make Instagram stories of you packing the painting for shipment, celebrating the sale. Tell the purchaser you’d love to share a photo of them with the painting they purchased or a photo of it in their home, if they’re willing. Again, it’s powerful proof of the desirability of your work.

Got a Website? Create Shoppable Posts

If you already have a website, congratulations! You can send prospective buyers to your website using a link in bio or one of the many slick apps that help convert Instagram visitors to online shoppers. The goal is to further the relationship with the viewer, whether they purchase art or not. Make sure that they are presented with an opportunity to get on your mailing list!

Learn to create shoppable posts on Instagram, particularly if your website employs Shopify. This makes it incredibly easy for a visitor to see one of your paintings on Instagram and buy it in a flash!

Harness the Power of Instagram

Instagram is a critical sales tool for me: for my artwork, my membership program for artists, and the painting courses I teach. It can do the same for you, and as you can see, there’s no one way to do it.


Are You Selling Art on IG?

I’d love to about it in the comments!

Also, tag me @carylfineart and I’ll like your posts. :)


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